So last time I was sick, and I was on my way to see 'We Are Scientists' perform at Lee's Palace (so dingy...ILOVE IT!). The show f'ing rocked as per usual. These guys kill it live and they are funny as hell. They played alot of new songs along with the classics. I think I have pictures here somewhere....or actually...I know! They are on someone elses camera! Ok maybe some pictures in the future, future, futuretureturetureture....
Ok so on to last weekend. I spent the weekend on Toronto Island with some friends for 2007 V-Fest. It was ok. I say that because I just know a better festival could have been put on...I mean the venue is killer.
Things to improve:
- better lineup
- better food and drink distribution
- better schedule (this schedule was just horrible!)
Smashing Pumpkins headlined day 2 and obs killed it. Bjork is weird but totally a performer. I enjoyed seeing her, even if it was sleepy eyed on the way to the fairy. I just wanted to hear my song 'Army of One', which I did. Me happy. The Killers also played and did their big stage show thing.
Biggest Regret: Not taking enough pictures.
Day 2 was the best: Tokyo Police Club, Stars, Metric, Killers, Smashing Pumpkins
Day 1 was the DANCE day: K-OS, MIA, Matt Costa, Kid Koala, Interpol, Bjork
Here are some pics:
Dragonette - These guys are like a poppier, friendlier Metric

Hands down...MIA stole the show. This song is called 'Bird Flu'...know why? CAUSE THE BEAT IS SICK!!!!
Hmmmm, ok so this week I saw City & Colour on Tuesday at Danforth Music Hall. This is Dallas Green from a hard rock band called 'Alexisonfire', ya see....CITY.....and....COLOUR....get it!? Anyways, he has a solo project called 'City & Colour'. It's basically him and an accoustic guitar. This show ended up a little differently then just Dallas and said guitar. In fact most songs were done electrically and rearranged. Dallas was backed by a couple of the members from opening band 'Attack in Black'....who were also pretty decent.
My favourite song lately 'Sam Malone'. This was shot at a concert I was at a few years ago, at Harbourfront Centre. Simply amazing show...
Ok then the next night Wednesday, it was off to see 'Girl Talk' at the Phoenix. This guy is pretty much a DJ that gives me heartburn haha. He mixes rock with reggae, hip hop...whateves. It was really good, but I just wasn't in a dancing mood. was literally hot as hell. Like I think I died 3 times in there! Here's what Girl Talk is like (from Coachella 2007)...
Anyways, this was a big update since I have been hella busy this past week. I'm gonna try and stick to short daily posts going forward...this should last about a day.
Oh and can't wait for Saturday morning...interlocking bricks with the boys...shoot me!
PS - You can tell I'm a music geek huh!?
PPS - Music is the medicine of the breaking heart. ~Leigh Hunt
PPPS - I just downloaded the new 'Motion City Soundtrack' album 'Even if it kills me'....and to my disappointment...I'm not feeling it. I love these guys, so hopefully after a few more listens I get a change of heart :(