So, now that it is against the law to drive your car while texting (I'm ok with this) and/or talking on the phone (mixed feelings) I now require a hands-free solution of some form. I won't require the solution for use anywhere but my vehicle. If I have a call when I am not driving, I will use the phone like a normal human being.
The new law took effect on October 26th, 2009 in Ontario, Canada. Globe and Mail article on the topic here.
My fear is looking like a douche, while this bro is just trying to 'keeps it real'/be compliant with this Provincial law. You see, I am always driving to and from clients with my job and then again driving a ton outside of work...I just want to 'fit in' with the 'normal' people in society.
There are several options I can see:
1) Continue to use phone previous to October 26th, 2009 and face $500 CAD tickets by cops

2) Buy a boring/simple wired ear bud

3) Buy a flashing standard 'douche' Bluetooth headset (Upon internal reflection I feel this is the most douchy solution as the majority of people use this solution...and then wear the headset EVERYWHERE!!!!)

4) Just keeps it real in the car

5) Use the Microsoft Sync system in my Ford/Lincoln

Oh yeah, I don't have a Ford/Lincoln built in the last 3 years with this technology. Damn. Free plug for you FMC!
6) Get a Aliph Jawbone Prime Bluetooth...Just like Johnny Drama in Entourage

I really like the Aliph Jawbone. It apparently has advanced technology and rave reviews about how sweet the sound is and how light weight and comfy the product is. It's more expensive at about $100-$150 CAD, compared to other solutions (Standard Bluetooth about $40-$100 CAD, Earbud around $20 CAD). The product also looks pretty sweet.
Jawbone I am interested in at Tiger Direct
So what do ya'll think I should do? Did I miss any 'solutions' to becoming legally 'compliant'? What do you use that turns up the 'cool' and turns down the 'suck'?
OMG - I love #4. I couldn't stop laughing...
Mike uses #3 with his BB. I guess he's a douche! He only uses it when he is in the car or playing PS3. I don't think he'd ever want to be seen in public walking around with it on.
you know what I think...I think you should buy me a less douchy one so I can tell you which one is better.
I went with #6 the Aliph Jawbone Prime...and I LOVE it. Sleek, comfy, and great quality in build. The noise assassin technology in it is also good...people can hear me perfectly and I have no problem hearing them...even with wind!
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