Hey ya'll,
I know, I know...it's been a while. I'm moving soon and then hope to make this a daily routine. I know, I know...I've said that a million times before. I'm really gonna try though. Also going to start a new weekly blog portion where I blog about a new indie band I have come across. This portion of the blog will be dedicated to my late friend Gino.
Ok, so here is a new track currently unreleased, and may or may not be off the forthcoming Tokyo Police Club album being released in 2010.
It's called 'Hands Reversed'...it's a nice, simple ditty. Enjoy.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bluetooth Headsets. Which one is too douche?

So, now that it is against the law to drive your car while texting (I'm ok with this) and/or talking on the phone (mixed feelings) I now require a hands-free solution of some form. I won't require the solution for use anywhere but my vehicle. If I have a call when I am not driving, I will use the phone like a normal human being.
The new law took effect on October 26th, 2009 in Ontario, Canada. Globe and Mail article on the topic here.
My fear is looking like a douche, while this bro is just trying to 'keeps it real'/be compliant with this Provincial law. You see, I am always driving to and from clients with my job and then again driving a ton outside of work...I just want to 'fit in' with the 'normal' people in society.
There are several options I can see:
1) Continue to use phone previous to October 26th, 2009 and face $500 CAD tickets by cops

2) Buy a boring/simple wired ear bud

3) Buy a flashing standard 'douche' Bluetooth headset (Upon internal reflection I feel this is the most douchy solution as the majority of people use this solution...and then wear the headset EVERYWHERE!!!!)

4) Just keeps it real in the car

5) Use the Microsoft Sync system in my Ford/Lincoln

Oh yeah, I don't have a Ford/Lincoln built in the last 3 years with this technology. Damn. Free plug for you FMC!
6) Get a Aliph Jawbone Prime Bluetooth...Just like Johnny Drama in Entourage

I really like the Aliph Jawbone. It apparently has advanced technology and rave reviews about how sweet the sound is and how light weight and comfy the product is. It's more expensive at about $100-$150 CAD, compared to other solutions (Standard Bluetooth about $40-$100 CAD, Earbud around $20 CAD). The product also looks pretty sweet.
Jawbone I am interested in at Tiger Direct
So what do ya'll think I should do? Did I miss any 'solutions' to becoming legally 'compliant'? What do you use that turns up the 'cool' and turns down the 'suck'?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Kanye West/Spike Jonze - We were once a fairytale
I don't understand what Kanye/Spike were hoping to do with this video. It seems to be some short film about Kanye West and his inner demons. I don't know that I fully 'get' it. Is there anything to get? Knowing Kanye has some great taste in art (all different types/forms) I guess I was expecting something better. Especially since Spike came on to direct it.
What do ya'll think?
I think Kanye should go back to 'borrowing' samples and 'creating' songs. Love the boys music...hate when stars think they are so creative they can do EVERYTHING!
What do ya'll think?
I think Kanye should go back to 'borrowing' samples and 'creating' songs. Love the boys music...hate when stars think they are so creative they can do EVERYTHING!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Avett Brothers
Tonight I am off to see The Avett Brothers play a small venue in Toronto called The Horseshoe Tavern. Basically two bros and a couple cats from North Carolina make up the band. They play some chill indie roots type music. Their new album 'I and Love and You' is pretty nice, it get's better as it goes on. I can only imagine it will get better with each time I play it right through. It sounds like the band has 'grown' on this album. And by grown I mean it sounds produced compared to their previous releases...in this case...it turns out to be a good thing!
So anywho, check 'em out when you are just chilling and reading...and then feel like some music. Rolling Stone Magazine called them a 'Band to watch in 2009'...not that they always know ish.
This is some Avett Bros for ya ears...
Avett Brothers - I and Love and You
So anywho, check 'em out when you are just chilling and reading...and then feel like some music. Rolling Stone Magazine called them a 'Band to watch in 2009'...not that they always know ish.
This is some Avett Bros for ya ears...
Avett Brothers - I and Love and You
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
*Album Review* Monsters of Folk - Monsters of Folk

Been waiting for this album to drop for a while now. And now I've listened to it...I think it's 'brilliant'. It stars some big playas in the indie game right now: Jim James from My Morning Jacket, Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis from Bright Eyes and M. Ward.
If you don't know Conor Oberst solo material or anything from 'Bright Eyes'...get out of your seat right now...or just download the torrent...get
I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning'...sit...listen...be blown away.
At the end of the day, as good as this albums is...just stick to your day jobs folks. I think the parts are greater than the sum here...
Album Review,
Bright Eyes,
Conor Oberst,
M Ward,
Monsters of Folk
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Adubs becomes a stock investor $$$

So a few weeks ago I started to seriously look at entering the 'stock trading world' as an investor with some money/duckets/benjamins I have saved.
Being Canadian and not sure I know EVERYTHING about what I was doing, I invested a small amount in a company I have tons of faith in...Ford Motor Company.
So basically I set up a 'Self Directed Stock Trading Account' with my bank CIBC. It cost me $28.95 to purchase up to 1,000 shares. I bought $1k worth and the bought me 136 shares in 'F', at $7.07 per share. It's gonna cost me another $28.95 to sell my stock. So basically at this time and about 1.5 weeks after my initial investment this is where I stand.
Own 136 shares which were purchased @ $7.07 USD = $961.52.
Today each share value is $8.47 and net change of $1.40 per share.
This means I made $190.40 - $57.90 ($28.95 x 2 purchase/sell) = $132.50 (give or take a few bucks for the currency coversion).
So I have made approx. $130 in 1.5 weeks...not bad...keep going Ford. I want to invest more...dunno if I go big in a smaller stock hoping it will explode...or put more in my long term plan...'F'.
The other company I have been watching is Zenn Motor Company from Toronto (ZNN-X). Their stock has gone from $4.25 to $6.00 in the last 1.5 weeks as I have been tracking...should have put some there too.
In any case, still lot's to learn...warning...VERY ADDICTIVE!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Rock The Bells - 2009
This is what my my day felt like on Sunday behind dark sunglasses, dodging endless clouds of smokez, in the sun...heavenz...
Reflection Eternal
Mos Def
Black Star
Damien Marley
Let`s just say, last night made me really happy...
Reflection Eternal
Mos Def
Black Star
Damien Marley
Let`s just say, last night made me really happy...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Animal Collective - Summertime Clothes (Music Video)
Some Animal Collective I get, other Animal Collective I don't get so much. I feel like they are pretty chill bro's that just got high with their keyboards and drums and made really 'high-level' indie dance music.
'Summertime Clothes' is one of those AC songs I actually do like...I dunno...makes me want to dance, but also makes me want to chill at the same time. This video freaks me out. It features Brooklyn's FLEX dance crew.
Apparently they even danced with AC in real life on Letterman...
So glad I didn't eat a pound of schrooms before watching that video. I think I may of freaked out even more and ate my arm or something...
'Summertime Clothes' is one of those AC songs I actually do like...I dunno...makes me want to dance, but also makes me want to chill at the same time. This video freaks me out. It features Brooklyn's FLEX dance crew.
Apparently they even danced with AC in real life on Letterman...
So glad I didn't eat a pound of schrooms before watching that video. I think I may of freaked out even more and ate my arm or something...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Regina Spektor - 'Laughing with' (Music Video)
Regina Spektor first got on my radar with her last album 'Begin to hope' in 2006. This year she is back with a new album 'Far'. 'Laughing with' is her first single of the album and here is the video.
This song is 'ok' in my eyes. Lyrics are great, but I feel the song could be more. I feel like this song reminds me of Ms. Osborne in the 90's.
In any case, she is a wicked cool artist and though I haven`t had a listen to `Far` as of yet I recommend you check out the album `Fidelity`...it`s friggin awesome!
This song is 'ok' in my eyes. Lyrics are great, but I feel the song could be more. I feel like this song reminds me of Ms. Osborne in the 90's.
In any case, she is a wicked cool artist and though I haven`t had a listen to `Far` as of yet I recommend you check out the album `Fidelity`...it`s friggin awesome!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Kanye West - Paranoid (Music Video)
Hey ya'll....it's me again. I've been busy and straight lazy lately, but now I am back. Time to catch up on posts this week. First I'll start with a light one.
This is the new video for the song 'Paranoid' off of Ye's '808's and Heartbreaks' album (some people hate the album, but I like it...fresh sound...not the best Ye, but ok nonetheless).
The best part of this video is all the hot Rihanna shots obviously. Ye also changed the beat up a bit on this mix...a little quicker and dancier IMO.
Is this some type of 'anti-Chris Brown' video? What do ya'll think?
This is the new video for the song 'Paranoid' off of Ye's '808's and Heartbreaks' album (some people hate the album, but I like it...fresh sound...not the best Ye, but ok nonetheless).
The best part of this video is all the hot Rihanna shots obviously. Ye also changed the beat up a bit on this mix...a little quicker and dancier IMO.
Is this some type of 'anti-Chris Brown' video? What do ya'll think?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Eating a standard fast food combo
I just realized something today, post the hoovering of a Whopper w. Cheese Combo (obviously a Diet Coke to wash it down with, need to save calories somewhere!). I eat my 'standard fast food combo' the same way every time.
Here is my process:
- Consumer half of the fries (preferable with a dipping sauce)
- Consumer burger and fries at the same time
- The whole time consuming the beverage of choice
How do ya'll eat shit?
Here is my process:
- Consumer half of the fries (preferable with a dipping sauce)
- Consumer burger and fries at the same time
- The whole time consuming the beverage of choice
How do ya'll eat shit?

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Virgin Festival 2009 - Returns To Canada

Basically there were some discussion as to whether or not V-Fest would be returning to Toronto, let alone North America. They hadn't said 'boo' until now!
Well according to the site not only are they returning to Canada in '09, there will also be 5 different festivals across the country: Montreal, Nova Scotia, BC, Alberta, Ontario (Toronto I would imagine).
So the only lineup announced so far is Montreal...and man, is it ever bruuuuuuuuuuuuuutal!
Montreal V-Fest 2009 Lineup
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
K-OS - 4,3,2,1 (Accoustic video on Q TV)
Finally, a focused performance from K-OS. I knew you could do it!! I also love Emily Haines...but mostly in a creepy way...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the fallen
Here is the official theatrical trailer for Tranformers 2. Man do I ever <3 Megan Fox...hot damn....lordy lord.
Tyga - Cali Love (Video)
This dude has been on the come up for a bit. Signed to Lil Wayne`s `Young Money`music label, I think he has been getting better over the past couple years. This track is rad and some some nice scratching on it...keep your eyes out ya`ll. The video is shot nicely as well IMO. Very clean. COMPTON raise up!
Eminem - 3AM Video
So...Eminem's second single to be released off of this year's album relapse now has a video. The song is called 3AM. It's a much better 'Slim Shady' type song vs. his first single 'We made you'. My only thought is 'Can Eminem be as culturally relevant as he was in 2004, before his 4 yea hiatus?'. I don't know. He still has dope talent, but can he push as many albums as he used to? Since his hiatus others in Hip Hop have taken over as the new trend setters ie. Kanye West, Lil Wayne. I just think it's going to be interesting to see what happens this year in Hip Hop. Eminem releasing two albums, 50 Cent releasing a new album, and same with Dr. Dre (hopefully!?).
Anywho, here is the the new video. What do you think?
Much better than 'We Made You' right?
Eminem - We Made You (Video link to YouTube)
Anywho, here is the the new video. What do you think?
Much better than 'We Made You' right?
Eminem - We Made You (Video link to YouTube)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Eminem - Relapse Album Trailer
Scaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrryyyyyyyyy...hope the album is better than that shitty initial single he put out 'We made you'
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Austin City Limits - ACL Lineup
Hmmmm usually every year I am so bummed I can't attend ACL...but this year things are different. Sure they have Pearl Jam...but other than that it's a watered down Lolla lineup. Looks like this year when I attend Lolla...I just won't feel too bad about missing ACL.
What do you think about the lineup?
What do you think about the lineup?

Monday, April 27, 2009
Passion Pit - Sleepy Head
I can't get this song out of my head. Other music, 'Miss you'.
Can't wait to see these dude rock out with their cocks out at Lolla this year. Whaddup!
This video is also fucking retardly good. Man...art...wow.
Can't wait to see these dude rock out with their cocks out at Lolla this year. Whaddup!
This video is also fucking retardly good. Man...art...wow.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lollapalooza 2009
The lineup is WAY better than I would have thought. I plan on going...third year in a row baby!

Check it...

Check it...
The News, now with more AUTO-TUNE!
Pretty funny, and well put together. Where do people find time for this shit? I hope it was a project of some sort for school...
Billy Corgan
He is now officially irrelevant to today's pop culture and youth. I wish he would have just stopped in the 90's, at least we would have had their career end with a couple 'classic' 90's rock albums.
This is his promo spot for TNA Wrestling. *Yawn* LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZ
This is his promo spot for TNA Wrestling. *Yawn* LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Monday, April 20, 2009
Drake - Adubs sounding off...
Ok so a while back I posted about my top 7 or whatever emerging Hip Hop artists in 2009. One of these guys hasn't left my 6-disc CD player in my car since I first burned it to CD. That man is Drake.
I'm waiting on his proper debut release, but in the meantime we can all enjoy his mixtapes...which btw have catapulted him into the big arena. I hear last week he was working with Hova on a song in NYC. Dope!
Drake Mixtapes:
- So Far Gone
- Best Of Drizzy
- So Far Gone (Chopped & Screwed)
- Room For Improvement [Special Edition] (Southern Smoke)
Amazing that he went from this (a character on Degrassi)...

...to getting girls soaking wet everywhere he's at!
Best I ever had = Adubs favourite Drake song right now
I'm waiting on his proper debut release, but in the meantime we can all enjoy his mixtapes...which btw have catapulted him into the big arena. I hear last week he was working with Hova on a song in NYC. Dope!
Drake Mixtapes:
- So Far Gone
- Best Of Drizzy
- So Far Gone (Chopped & Screwed)
- Room For Improvement [Special Edition] (Southern Smoke)
Amazing that he went from this (a character on Degrassi)...

...to getting girls soaking wet everywhere he's at!
Best I ever had = Adubs favourite Drake song right now
Mos Def - "Flowers" Promo Video
Mos Def has a new album dropping 6/9/09, and let me tell you (as if you don't already know)...he is one of the sickest MC's of all time. Get your hands on any of his previously released album (torrents below):
- Blackstar
- Black on both sides
- The new danger
- True magic
Here is the promo video for his new album. Word up...
Mos Def - Flowers - The Ecstatic avail 6/9/09
- Blackstar
- Black on both sides
- The new danger
- True magic
Here is the promo video for his new album. Word up...
Mos Def - Flowers - The Ecstatic avail 6/9/09
Phillips 21:9 TV Technology - Sick Video
So I basically just caught up with 16:9 widescreen LCD era, at least when it came to my computer monitor at home. Now Phillips is stepping it up with the first ever Cinema porportioned TV, that's a 21:9 ratio. It will take a few years for consumers to jump on this one...but in the meantime (borrowed from Kanye's Blog) check out their dope launch commerical. It's a cool concept and stunning video!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I wish...
I was at Coachella in Cali this weekend :(
I'll try and forget it since there is plenty of sun outside today to make me happy :)
Where do you wish you were today?
I'll try and forget it since there is plenty of sun outside today to make me happy :)
Where do you wish you were today?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Too many dicks...
Last night I went to the K-OS CD release party at Wrongbar in Toronto. It was good. K-OS was high as shit and didn't performed as most would have hoped, but thank goodness the DJ lineup was sick.
The sex spread was good...thank goodness...cause sometimes...
Oh K-OS, I long for the day I see you put on a great performance live. Maybe you should try staying sober on performance night? Like Letterman was good...oh no wait. You were either drunk or stoned or retarded there too. Dude, you're on National TV...you sang horribly and forgot half the verses and words...WTF!? I love your music, but you gotsta perform better live!!!
The sex spread was good...thank goodness...cause sometimes...
Oh K-OS, I long for the day I see you put on a great performance live. Maybe you should try staying sober on performance night? Like Letterman was good...oh no wait. You were either drunk or stoned or retarded there too. Dude, you're on National TV...you sang horribly and forgot half the verses and words...WTF!? I love your music, but you gotsta perform better live!!!
What is the difference between a dwarf and a midget?
So yeah, the other day I was discussing things that disturb me in the world with a good friend. I could list a ton of things, but I won't. No I don't think I am better than the average person...I just think I am normal. The item I am discussing here mostly scares me in real life, and on a smaller level disturbs me to. Some people are scared of clowns, heights, taking showers...for me...it's midgets! And no, I don't know why.
But then I was challenged by my friend, as they thought maybe my absurd issue was perhaps a little non-PC. They said 'Are you sure it's midgets that scare you, and not dwarfs?'. Hmmm good point...but what is the difference I pondered?
According to the first wikianswer found in Google (yes I could have completed more thorough research...but why? This person probably already did...and since I am lazy, I will just assume that it is the truth) this is the difference between definitions:
A dwarf is a person of unusually small stature, especially one whose bodily proportions are abnormal.
A midget is specifically a person of unusually small size who is physically well-proportioned. Midget is sometimes used offensively to refer to a very small person.
Wow...I guess I`m scared of both really!!! If you think the above comments are mean...go ahead and take one of these here fuck off cards.
Like really, reality shows?
Do you think the kids laugh anytime their parents tell them to 'grow up'?
You want to tell me this scares none of you?
And no I'm not a hater, I'm just saying. Some people are scared of the dark, and sometimes I get scare of little people in this big world.
But then I was challenged by my friend, as they thought maybe my absurd issue was perhaps a little non-PC. They said 'Are you sure it's midgets that scare you, and not dwarfs?'. Hmmm good point...but what is the difference I pondered?
According to the first wikianswer found in Google (yes I could have completed more thorough research...but why? This person probably already did...and since I am lazy, I will just assume that it is the truth) this is the difference between definitions:
A dwarf is a person of unusually small stature, especially one whose bodily proportions are abnormal.
A midget is specifically a person of unusually small size who is physically well-proportioned. Midget is sometimes used offensively to refer to a very small person.
Wow...I guess I`m scared of both really!!! If you think the above comments are mean...go ahead and take one of these here fuck off cards.
Like really, reality shows?
Do you think the kids laugh anytime their parents tell them to 'grow up'?
You want to tell me this scares none of you?
And no I'm not a hater, I'm just saying. Some people are scared of the dark, and sometimes I get scare of little people in this big world.
Kid get's kicked by break dancer
The funniest yet most disturbing thing I have ever seen on the internet...so far...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Rivers Cuomo & Rainn Wilson - What if God was one of us? (Joan Osborne Cover WTF!?)
Umm why? Why did these two dudes team up? And if they were going to, why this fucking song? That song and Joan Osborne should have never seen the light of day in the new millenium!
Speaking of Joan Osborne...I should look into her for me next 'Where are they now?' segment...hmmm...

Over at Rolling Stone you can check out two accoustic videos of Metric performing 'Twilight Galaxy' and 'Gimme Sympathy'. mmmmmm I heart Emily Haines...the things I would do...
Metric at Rolling Stone Magazine - Interview & Accoustic Performance
Also some chitty chat from them over at Dose and Fazer.
Here is Metric's first video off the album for 'Gimme Sympathy':
This is their second video from 'Fantasies' for 'Help I'm Alive':
Metric - Help I'm Alive Official Video
Speaking of Metric. I can't wait for Edgefest this year on June 20th. The lineup is pretty decent.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
K-OS - 'Yes!'
Here is the first single from the new K-OS album out Tuesday. The album is called 'Yes!' and the single is called '4 3 2 1'. On first listen I thought the album was sub par. On second listen...well put it this way. I have listened to it like 6 times today!!!! I just hope for performance sake he stays sober. Every time I see the dude he is stoned or drunk. I have nothing against that...but when you miss verses and forget words...time to get your shit together!!!
Yo, is that Gerrard Square in the Video??? What do you think?
Ohhhhh you want to hear the album too? Fine...but the tracks are not in the right order...figure it out yourself!
K-OS - Yes!
Yo, is that Gerrard Square in the Video??? What do you think?
Ohhhhh you want to hear the album too? Fine...but the tracks are not in the right order...figure it out yourself!
K-OS - Yes!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - SNL 12/04/09
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs put on a wicked performance last night on SNL. They performed `Zero` from their latest album `It`s Blitz!` as well as my favourite song EVER by them `Maps`, which is off of their first album `Fever to tell`.
Check dem...they used to be much weirder performing on stage, but I guess they are becoming mainstream and gonna be sold out and playing arenas soon. Yay...not.
`It`s Blitz!` is a pretty good album IMO. It`s much more clean and produced vs. any of their other pieces of work. My fav song is `Skelteons`.
Check dem...they used to be much weirder performing on stage, but I guess they are becoming mainstream and gonna be sold out and playing arenas soon. Yay...not.
`It`s Blitz!` is a pretty good album IMO. It`s much more clean and produced vs. any of their other pieces of work. My fav song is `Skelteons`.
Hipster Runoff
One of my fav sites to peruse...this dude is funny. He helps me h8 things, and think about things to write. I want a blog like his where I just rant about shit. But then that probably makes me unoriginal and less indie. But then again I'm not very indie, I work in an office environment for a large corporation. And then again, again...WTF is indie anyways???
Hipster Runoff
Hipster Runoff
Kanye West - Gay Fish (South Park)
So the other night on South Park (Season 13/Episode 5) the guest that got blasted was Kanye West. There is a scene where he is on a talk show and they ask him if he likes 'Fish Sticks'...which btw sounds like 'Fish Dicks'...so they keep busting his chops about loving 'Fish Dicks' and being gay. In the end they end up with a whole song. It's ok funny, but not like piss your pants funny.
What's funnier is Kanye's Blog response on it...he should probably think before he speaks from now on. His publicist probably hates their life and writes about it on here every other day or so.
Here is the song, and a link to Pitchfork where they talk about what happened in more detail and show Kanye's blog response.
Pitchfork Media - Kanye West's Blog Response
What's funnier is Kanye's Blog response on it...he should probably think before he speaks from now on. His publicist probably hates their life and writes about it on here every other day or so.
Here is the song, and a link to Pitchfork where they talk about what happened in more detail and show Kanye's blog response.
Pitchfork Media - Kanye West's Blog Response
I have a sudden urge to by discount furniture...at the Flea Market. Which btw, is just like, is just like, a mini mall. Sing it with me!
I'm not racist...
but how much do you wanna bet these were brothers. Ya know it's hard out here for a PIMP...I just want a leg biatch.
If owned a butcher shop in the 90's...
I would have made the same damn video LOLZ!
'Give me a wave if you love Catfish!'
'Give me a wave if you love Catfish!'
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tonight Tonight
That's what's up with me tonight bwoy...Rewind Gunshot Selecta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!

Sup with ya'll tonight???
Bet from the title you thought I was gonna hit you with this old school flavour. You're right/wrong. Remember when Smashing Pumkins were amazing and relevant? I think it was around the same time high schools still had Much Music Video Dance Parties...those were the days...
This is the best song EVER by Smashing Pumpkins...just in case you didn't know...

Sup with ya'll tonight???
Bet from the title you thought I was gonna hit you with this old school flavour. You're right/wrong. Remember when Smashing Pumkins were amazing and relevant? I think it was around the same time high schools still had Much Music Video Dance Parties...those were the days...
This is the best song EVER by Smashing Pumpkins...just in case you didn't know...
Kevin Drew/Feist Short Film - The Water Part 1
Mr. Kevin Drew of the super awesome Toronto indie rock band 'Broken Social Scene' has recently directed a movie entitled 'The Water'. It stars Feist and some other dudes, and is set upon the song of the same name (The Water) from Feists quintessential second album 'The Reminder'.
Check out this short film, it's only up on Pitchfork for a week!
Check out this short film, it's only up on Pitchfork for a week!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Documentary Recco's from ADUBS - IOUSA
IOUSA - Few are aware that America may be on the brink of a financial meltdown. I.O.U.S.A. explores the country's shocking current fiscal condition and ways to avoid a national economic disaster.
You can watch is for free in YOUTUBE here:
Haven't watched it yet, but looks interesting. I like docs. I am a geek. I feel like a robot sometimes. I am writing in a blog. I am so uncool. I am soo cool. Ooo look...Flight of the Conchords is on!
You can watch is for free in YOUTUBE here:
Haven't watched it yet, but looks interesting. I like docs. I am a geek. I feel like a robot sometimes. I am writing in a blog. I am so uncool. I am soo cool. Ooo look...Flight of the Conchords is on!
Charles Hamilton - Theories of wine
I can't get this damn song out of my head...it's so effing amazing.
Fatty Mc Fat Fat

This is why your big bonedededed...I just got back from the gym but might go back again.

Who eats this? WTF!
The 30,000 Calorie Sandwich
Sandwich filled with ground beef, bacon, corn dogs, ham, pastrami, roast beef, bratwurst, braunschweiger and turkey, topped with fried mushrooms, onion rings, swiss/provolone/cheddar/feta/parmesan cheeses, lettuce and butter on a loaf white bread.
Eminem - We made you - Official Review
This is how I get my Slim Shady reviews...what a douche...
Is this for real?...serious?
Is this for real?...serious?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Where are they now? - Alicia Silverstone Edition
So yesterday I was thinking...Where in the world is...no not Carmen Sandiego...where is the world is Alicia Silverstone kids?
So I decided to investigate:
- Alicia is an American film and stage actress and former fashion model
- She first came to widespread attention in music videos for Aerosmith, and is best known for her roles in Hollywood films such as Clueless (1995) and her portrayal of Batgirl in Batman & Robin (1997)
- I remember her from the movie 'Crush'...oh the roller coaster scene lolz
- Best known for her role as 'Cher' in Clueless

Today - In an interview with Graham Norton on his UK entertainment show, Silverstone stated that she is currently in talks about reprising the role of Cher in the up coming sequel to Clueless. Clueless: High School Reunion is set to go into production in April 2009.
So, she is still alive. And now you KNOW!
My favourite song from the clueless soundtrack, and the song that made me fall in love with my favourite band:
So I decided to investigate:
- Alicia is an American film and stage actress and former fashion model
- She first came to widespread attention in music videos for Aerosmith, and is best known for her roles in Hollywood films such as Clueless (1995) and her portrayal of Batgirl in Batman & Robin (1997)
- I remember her from the movie 'Crush'...oh the roller coaster scene lolz
- Best known for her role as 'Cher' in Clueless

Today - In an interview with Graham Norton on his UK entertainment show, Silverstone stated that she is currently in talks about reprising the role of Cher in the up coming sequel to Clueless. Clueless: High School Reunion is set to go into production in April 2009.
So, she is still alive. And now you KNOW!
My favourite song from the clueless soundtrack, and the song that made me fall in love with my favourite band:
NEW ISH: Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band - Nikorette

Here is a new track from Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band, off of their forthcoming album 'Outer South' out May 5th.
Download MP3: Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band - Nikorette
You can stream the album now at Merge Records website.
My favourite song by Conor Oberst below...as Bright Eyes. This video almost made me fucking cry once...ALMOST!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Maximo Park are back with a new album!
Video taken from the forthcoming album 'Quicken The Heart'. Single out 4th May, album out 11th May.
I'll talk more about Maximo Park later. Been a fan of years, and think they are brilliant!!!
One of my favourite Maximo Park songs...
I'll talk more about Maximo Park later. Been a fan of years, and think they are brilliant!!!
One of my favourite Maximo Park songs...
Band of the Week - Glasvegas

- Glasvegas are a Scottish alternative rock band that formed in Glasgow, Scotland in 2003
- Next Toronto Date TBD. Played Mod Club on April 3rd, 2009
- Have opened for Oasis & Kings of Leon
- First EP 'A Snowflake Fell (And It Felt Like A Kiss)' released in 2008
- First Album is self-titled and released in 2008
- First released single was 'Geraldine' off of Glasvegas
Most people are like 'Andrew, are they gonna be big?'...ummm check out their tour dates....Coachella, Reeds, Leadings, Opening for U2 and Kings of Leon, most likely on the bill at Lolla. Yeah I'd say we'll know pretty soon if they're sticking around!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The future of HIP HOP - 2009 Edition
1) Kid Cudi:
- Originates from Cleveland, Ohio
- First hit 'Day N' Night'
- Kanye noticed him and had him guest on the '808's and Heartbreak' track 'Welcome to Heartbreak'.
- 'A Kid Named Cudi' mixtape blew up shortly after online
- Debut album 'Man on the moon' will be launched in the summer on Kanye's GOOD music label
2) Drake:
- Originates from Toronto, Ontario
- Drake stared as the crippled Jimmy Brooks on the new generation of Canada's cult classic Degrassi
- Drake's friend got Lil Wayne to listen to his mixtape. Wayne loved the first two songs so much he didn't even listen to the rest and had Drake fly out to Houston to start working.
- Nicknamed 'Drizzy'
- First mixtape 'So Far Gone' tore up the internet
- Download the 'So Far Gone' mixtape
3) Wale:
- Originates from Washington, D.C.
- Found by Mark Ronson and was signed to his label Ronson's Allido Records
- First mixtape called 'A Mixtape About Nothing'
- Album dropping in 2009 called' Attention: Deficit'
4) Charles Hamilton:
- Originates from Cleveland, Ohio
- self taught multi-instrumentalist
- Debut album 'The Pink Lave Lamp' drops in 2009 on Interscope
- Don't come across a dope flow like this every day...
Had to drop 2 videos...feeling him...
5) B.o.B.:
- Originates from Atlanta, Georgia
- If you like Outkast you will probably enjoy this
- Download 'My Name Is B.o.B. Mixtape'
- Download 'The Future Mixtape'
6) Asher Roth:
- Hails from the burbs in Morrisville, Pennsylvania
- Debut album 'Asleep in the Bread Aisle' will be released April 20, 2009
- Hit it big with the single 'I Love College'
- Sounds just like Eminem...except true to himself, and not gangsta
- Roth posted some of his verses on his Myspace page and sent a Friend Request to Scooter Braun, an Atlanta-based promoter and former VP of Marketing for Jermaine Dupri's So So Def. One week after speaking to Braun, Roth flew down to Atlanta and was immediately signed by Braun, who subsequently became his manager
- Braun organized a meeting between Roth and Jay-Z, where Roth was asked to rap for the Def Jam executive on the spot...and killed it.
7) Blu:
- Originates from San Pedro, California
- Been around for a while and is doing more and more collabo's with Dj's and artists
- He has been expected to blow up for the last couple years
- Like a young Common
8) The Cool Kids:
- Originate from Chicago, Illinois and Detroit, Michigan
- Made up of two dudes, who met through MySpace trading beats
- Totally Indie, and have released the majority of their music through their MySpace
- On the NBA 2K9 soundtrack
Those are the 8 artists I'll be tracking in 2009...I will get my indie rock list done soon. Thought that would have been the first one I'd tackle...but with the sun out today I was driving with my sunroof open listening to Kid Cudi and decided to put down MY picks for 2009.
Anyone have anything you think I missed?
I'll leave you with a classic jam...
- Originates from Cleveland, Ohio
- First hit 'Day N' Night'
- Kanye noticed him and had him guest on the '808's and Heartbreak' track 'Welcome to Heartbreak'.
- 'A Kid Named Cudi' mixtape blew up shortly after online
- Debut album 'Man on the moon' will be launched in the summer on Kanye's GOOD music label
2) Drake:
- Originates from Toronto, Ontario
- Drake stared as the crippled Jimmy Brooks on the new generation of Canada's cult classic Degrassi
- Drake's friend got Lil Wayne to listen to his mixtape. Wayne loved the first two songs so much he didn't even listen to the rest and had Drake fly out to Houston to start working.
- Nicknamed 'Drizzy'
- First mixtape 'So Far Gone' tore up the internet
- Download the 'So Far Gone' mixtape
3) Wale:
- Originates from Washington, D.C.
- Found by Mark Ronson and was signed to his label Ronson's Allido Records
- First mixtape called 'A Mixtape About Nothing'
- Album dropping in 2009 called' Attention: Deficit'
4) Charles Hamilton:
- Originates from Cleveland, Ohio
- self taught multi-instrumentalist
- Debut album 'The Pink Lave Lamp' drops in 2009 on Interscope
- Don't come across a dope flow like this every day...
Had to drop 2 videos...feeling him...
5) B.o.B.:
- Originates from Atlanta, Georgia
- If you like Outkast you will probably enjoy this
- Download 'My Name Is B.o.B. Mixtape'
- Download 'The Future Mixtape'
6) Asher Roth:
- Hails from the burbs in Morrisville, Pennsylvania
- Debut album 'Asleep in the Bread Aisle' will be released April 20, 2009
- Hit it big with the single 'I Love College'
- Sounds just like Eminem...except true to himself, and not gangsta
- Roth posted some of his verses on his Myspace page and sent a Friend Request to Scooter Braun, an Atlanta-based promoter and former VP of Marketing for Jermaine Dupri's So So Def. One week after speaking to Braun, Roth flew down to Atlanta and was immediately signed by Braun, who subsequently became his manager
- Braun organized a meeting between Roth and Jay-Z, where Roth was asked to rap for the Def Jam executive on the spot...and killed it.
7) Blu:
- Originates from San Pedro, California
- Been around for a while and is doing more and more collabo's with Dj's and artists
- He has been expected to blow up for the last couple years
- Like a young Common
8) The Cool Kids:
- Originate from Chicago, Illinois and Detroit, Michigan
- Made up of two dudes, who met through MySpace trading beats
- Totally Indie, and have released the majority of their music through their MySpace
- On the NBA 2K9 soundtrack
Those are the 8 artists I'll be tracking in 2009...I will get my indie rock list done soon. Thought that would have been the first one I'd tackle...but with the sun out today I was driving with my sunroof open listening to Kid Cudi and decided to put down MY picks for 2009.
Anyone have anything you think I missed?
I'll leave you with a classic jam...
The Lonely Island - Lazy Sunday
Also jokes...
SNL - Natalie Portman Raps
SNL - People getting punched before eating
Also jokes...
SNL - Natalie Portman Raps
SNL - People getting punched before eating
Andy Samberg & Seth Rogen - Like a boss
I must say, SNL used to be soooooooo not funny. But these days they are getting better with the younger dudes on there.
Like this was pretty jokes...
And then this was just as funny...
And NOW...they have completed a trifecta!
Like this was pretty jokes...
And then this was just as funny...
And NOW...they have completed a trifecta!
New Song - Kid Cudi feat. Kanye West, Common - Poke Her Face (Lady Ga Ga Remix)
This a new hot song from da boyz above...remixing Lady Ga Ga's Poker Face.

Allison - Told you last night, it's 'POKE HER FACE' hehehehehe
Download - Get da hotness herrrrrrrrrrr

Allison - Told you last night, it's 'POKE HER FACE' hehehehehe
Download - Get da hotness herrrrrrrrrrr
Slanties = RACIST
Everyone wants to be Asian (AZN) these days. Why, I dunno? Is it because they are trendier than white folk? Is it because they have great skin and hair? It is because they are technologically advanced?
But this is too much...
SLANTIES! They are supposed to be the next 'Shutter Glasses', as made famous by Kanye West (thanks Kanye!) Even this hot girl looks dumb in them...

Shutter Glasses are:
- stupid fucking looking on you...do these people not have mirrors?
- you can't see a damn thing with them on (yes I have put a pair on my face)
- they cost $13.50 each...I would rather give my $ to a homeless person.
- Here is the site to buy them (there are like 10 variations now...including 'slants' for the AZNs)
Anywho...this is the next 'BIG THING'...SLANTIES.

Over the next few months at your local club or event with Scensters in attendance I am sure you will see some giant douche with them on.
Here are some issues:
- they are racist man...look at them. AND they are called SLANTIES!!!
- how can you fucking possibly see in them?
- They don't get worn like regular glass...they have a strap that goes all they way around the back of your head to keep them on
- They are made out of wood...initial concern, splinters in my eyes!
- THEY COST $75 USD EACH!!!! Come on...
So yeah...I think this Spring/Summer 2009 you will see one of these Global Scenesters wearing a pair...and I just wanted to let you know; You're an idiot...
But this is too much...
SLANTIES! They are supposed to be the next 'Shutter Glasses', as made famous by Kanye West (thanks Kanye!) Even this hot girl looks dumb in them...

Shutter Glasses are:
- stupid fucking looking on you...do these people not have mirrors?
- you can't see a damn thing with them on (yes I have put a pair on my face)
- they cost $13.50 each...I would rather give my $ to a homeless person.
- Here is the site to buy them (there are like 10 variations now...including 'slants' for the AZNs)
Anywho...this is the next 'BIG THING'...SLANTIES.

Over the next few months at your local club or event with Scensters in attendance I am sure you will see some giant douche with them on.
Here are some issues:
- they are racist man...look at them. AND they are called SLANTIES!!!
- how can you fucking possibly see in them?
- They don't get worn like regular glass...they have a strap that goes all they way around the back of your head to keep them on
- They are made out of wood...initial concern, splinters in my eyes!
- THEY COST $75 USD EACH!!!! Come on...
So yeah...I think this Spring/Summer 2009 you will see one of these Global Scenesters wearing a pair...and I just wanted to let you know; You're an idiot...
Adubs $0.02 Worth - North Korea - Rocket Launches

One story about what happened Saturday AM - CBC News
This morning from CTV
Ok let's talk North Korea...probably just as big a problem as Afghanistan or Iraq...but they don't have oil so why would the U.S. care? Mostly because this regime is a hundred times more ruthless than poor old Saddam Hussein...
Here's why they should care (and the World):
- approx. 24 million people live in North Korea with the second worst Human Rights violation records out of any country in the world. The Government there controls every facet of a civilians life (the regime controls every aspect of Social, Economic, and Political life) - Media is controlled and owned by the Government, the leader Kim Job II is an UNELECTED leader to the Socialist country, the regime denies citizens basic human rights, and subjects tens of thousands of political prisoners to brutal conditions, and maintains a largely isolationist foreign policy. There are many other horrible things they do...
- The Government continues to test rockets (against the desire of every country in the friggin world) with potential ranges of up to 6,600 Km's. They say it's for their space discovery program, but the rest of the world isn't stupid and knows this is being done in the hopes (most likely) to continue testing long-range missile technology that could be used along with nuclear warheads...that's right...WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION PEOPLE.
- The rocket was launched over the Pacific yesterday...which means it first had to pass right over Japan. A direct violation of U.N. policy...which Kim Jong II could care less about.
- The world and more specifically Japan/U.S. are pissed. Japan just this morning has called an emergency U.N. Council meeting to figure out what to do.
- Japan, the U.S. and South Korea had warships ready in local waters, while Russia had scrambled fighter jets to monitor the launch.
- Shooting rockets over another country is even more so over and above the direction the world gave N. Korea to just not test missiles in the first place.
So this is a HUGE problem people...now even China is getting involved and is ready to do anything 'constuctive' and necessary.
I guess we have to wait and see what happens in the near future...
What do you think about all of this, sitting over here in our 'safe' bubble...the True North strong and free?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
British Summer Music Festivals '09
I wish I lived there...
Reading 2009
Leeds 2009
It's pretty much a lineup built from the front cover of NME Magazine for the last 3 years...I wanna go! fmylife.
Why can't North America build Music Festivals like the Europeans??? Dude, the festival has theme park rides!
The Cribs - Our Bovine Public (In Canada they play El Mocambo - Gino and I stood literally right in front of them...in Europe they headline festivals...damn)
The Killers - Mr. Brightside (2008 Leeds)
Reading 2009
Leeds 2009
It's pretty much a lineup built from the front cover of NME Magazine for the last 3 years...I wanna go! fmylife.
Why can't North America build Music Festivals like the Europeans??? Dude, the festival has theme park rides!
The Cribs - Our Bovine Public (In Canada they play El Mocambo - Gino and I stood literally right in front of them...in Europe they headline festivals...damn)
The Killers - Mr. Brightside (2008 Leeds)
Follow moi...
At first I didn't know if Twitter would be a good addition to my social networking repertoire...but now I can't get enough!
It's the next step from Facebook if you don't know. And it looks like Google is about to buy it...you'll see...give it 6 months. People don't want to accept it yet, like they did with Facebook...but it's coming...open up your arms and hug it out.
Twitter and Google are chatting...
At first I didn't know if Twitter would be a good addition to my social networking repertoire...but now I can't get enough!
It's the next step from Facebook if you don't know. And it looks like Google is about to buy it...you'll see...give it 6 months. People don't want to accept it yet, like they did with Facebook...but it's coming...open up your arms and hug it out.
Twitter and Google are chatting...
Bon Iver - Skinny Love (Jools Holland)
This performance is amazing...so much emotion. Can't wait to see Bon Iver live!
Pitchfork's: Spring 2009 Upcoming Releases

Oh good. Another reason to go to HMV and spend all the money I DON'T have...
My picks from this list that I look forward to:
- The Hold Steady - A Positive Rage
- Metric - Fantasies (been listening to this for a couple months...Pretty DAMN good IMO)
- Japandroids - Post-Nothing (New band from Vancouver...remind me of DFA 1979)
- Arctic Monkeys - Arctic Monkeys at the Apollo CD/DVD (Please bring me a new album soon...they are on the bill of a few festivals in England this summer ie. Leeds)
- Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band - Outer South
- Maxïmo Park - Quicken the Heart
- Apostle of Hustle - Eats Darkness
- Eminem - Relapse (I hear him and 50 are releasing 2 albums in '09...after the hiatus I bet they sound sick!)
- Mos Def - The Ecstatic
- Lil Wayne - Rebirth
- Regina Spektor - Far
- Big Boi - Sir Lucious Leftfoot...Son of Chico Dusty
- Clipse - Till the Casket Drops
- Damien Marley and Nas - TBA (Probably gonna be one of the best albums of 2009, yeah I said it!)
- Eminem - Relapse 2 (Just got further down the list and here is Em's 2nd album of the year lol)
- 50 Cent - Before I Self-Destruct
- Kid Sister - Dream Date (Discovered and produced by Kanye...I think this may disappoint though...)
Ok so those are my picks from the list, anything you think I missed?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Awww shit....
I have a new computer and I am BACK!!! Going to learn some geeky new things this weekend for blogging and update my current content...stay tuned
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Yeah I am...posting to come soon...I need a new fucking computer first yo! This slow one is pissing me off :(
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